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I am Liam and Noel Gallagher's secret sister… but here is the real reason why my multi-millionaire Oasis star brothers will NEVER meet me


Oasis stars Noel and Liam Gallagher have a secret sister who grew up just a few streets along from them – but they refuse to ever even meet her.

Emma Davies, 51, was born just months after Liam in the same hospital – but the multi-millionaire rockstars have resisted every one of her attempts to make contact.

Emma’s estrangement from the pair is so complete that her son was forced to enter the public ballot to try to get a ticket to one of the Oasis reunion concerts – and failed as he could not afford the inflated price.

She was conceived after the brothers’ wayward father Tommy – despite being married to the Gallaghers’ mother Peggy – had a long running affair with her mother, June.

But despite growing up in the same Manchester suburb as the pair, it would be nearly 23 more years after she was born before she discovered the truth.

Liam and Noel had no idea that they had a secret sibling living a few streets from them in Manchester

For 23 years Emma Davies grew up not knowing who her biological father was. It wasn’t until she went to the shop in 1995 to buy ‘What’s The Story?’ that her mother June sat her down and told her the truth – that she shared the same father as Liam and Noel Gallagher

Noel Gallagher is famously close to his mother Peggy (pictured) - but hasn't spoken to his wayward, womansing father Tommy for years, despite his dad's efforts to make amends

Noel Gallagher is famously close to his mother Peggy (pictured) – but hasn’t spoken to his wayward, womansing father Tommy for years, despite his dad’s efforts to make amends

Despite squabbling with his brother Noel for years, Liam is close to his mother Peggy (pictured together). Peggy is said to have asked Liam to bury the hatchet with Noel when he treated her to a spa day for her 80th birthday which led to the recent Oasis reunion

Despite squabbling with his brother Noel for years, Liam is close to his mother Peggy (pictured together). Peggy is said to have asked Liam to bury the hatchet with Noel when he treated her to a spa day for her 80th birthday which led to the recent Oasis reunion 

Liam and Noel are both estranged from their father Tommy (pictured). Despite being married to the brothers' mother Peggy, Tommy, who was a notorious womaniser and drinker, and  had a long-running affair with Emma Davies' mother June when he met her at a disco in Manchester

Liam and Noel are both estranged from their father Tommy (pictured). Despite being married to the brothers’ mother Peggy, Tommy, who was a notorious womaniser and drinker, and  had a long-running affair with Emma Davies’ mother June when he met her at a disco in Manchester 

Noel is pictured here as a schoolboy aged 12

Liam was aged six years old in this school picture

Noel and Liam Gallagher grew up in Burnage, Manchester, during the 1970s unaware that a few streets along from their family home their father had a secret daughter by another woman

Emma first met her father Tommy when she was 32 in 2006. Their reunion was emotional and they kept in touch. But Emma admits that they haven't spoken to each other for 18 years

Emma first met her father Tommy when she was 32 in 2006. Their reunion was emotional and they kept in touch. But Emma admits that they haven’t spoken to each other for 18 years

She found out after she bought the band’s 1995 hit album (What’s The Story) Morning Glory – which prompted her mother to finally tell her about her secret second family.

Now, in an exclusive interview with MailOnline, Emma, a mother-of-two, told how she still hopes that the brothers will finally agree to meet her after going public with her story.

She said: ‘I would like to meet them. Obviously you’re going to want to meet your brothers.

‘I’ve got no bad feelings about anything – it would be great if they got in touch.

‘I think most people who had found out they had a brother or sister they didn’t know about after many years would want to know a bit more about them.

‘But it’s hard to predict what the Gallaghers are thinking – they are famous people with loads of money and they probably think I’m nobody.’

Despite her fears, Emma said she hoped a get-together could be arranged particularly for the sake of her son Jake, 31 – a mad-keen Oasis and Manchester City fan who she described as ‘a 6ft 4ins Liam Gallagher’.

She said: ‘All the hype surrounding the reunion has brought a lot of it back.

‘I thought it would be another chance to meet them – I would say more for Jake now than anything because he does look like them a lot and he’s massively into them.’

Emma – who also bears a striking resemblance to the brothers – was born in August 1973 at St Mary’s Hospital in Manchester – where Liam’s mother Peggy had given birth to him 11 months earlier.

Her mother had met Tommy at a local disco and had no idea he was already married and had three young sons at the time – baby Liam, Noel and eldest brother Paul.

June, now 76, is said to have been ‘charmed’ by Tommy and even took him home to meet her parents during their relationship.

Emma said of her childhood: ‘I was born a few months after Liam – so I was being cooked as he was coming out.

‘All my mother had told me was that she didn’t know he was married. He had charmed her and they had this bit of a relationship.

‘Every time they saw each other he took her back to a friend’s flat which he claimed was his place. It was all based on lies.

Tommy Gallagher and his wife Peggy are pictured together on their wedding day. But their marriage wasn't a happy one and they separated when their three sons were young

Tommy Gallagher and his wife Peggy are pictured together on their wedding day. But their marriage wasn’t a happy one and they separated when their three sons were young

The family lived in this house in Burnage, Manchester during the 1970s. The brothers didn't know that their father Tommy had a secret family with a woman who lived a few streets along

The family lived in this house in Burnage, Manchester during the 1970s. The brothers didn’t know that their father Tommy had a secret family with a woman who lived a few streets along

Tommy Gallagher eventually lost the famous siblings' childhood home in this Manchester street in 2021 when he alleges a family friend of 20 years  stole it from under him in a mortgage scam. He ended up being made homeless and is living in sheltered accommodation

Tommy Gallagher eventually lost the famous siblings’ childhood home in this Manchester street in 2021 when he alleges a family friend of 20 years  stole it from under him in a mortgage scam. He ended up being made homeless and is living in sheltered accommodation  

The Gallagher brothers have spent their lives feuding and only recently announced their comeback 15 years after the band split in Paris just before going on after a fight backstage

The Gallagher brothers have spent their lives feuding and only recently announced their comeback 15 years after the band split in Paris just before going on after a fight backstage

‘The last memory I had of my dad was as a very young kid when my mum took him to court to get child maintenance off him.

‘I remember sitting in court and seeing him.

‘After that there was no contact. There was nothing as far as I knew. I was kept very hidden from anything that was going on.

‘As I was growing up, I knew I had a dad who had other children and I just accepted that. You don’t think about it do you?’

Emma grew up with her mother in Burnage, south Manchester attending a different school from the Gallaghers.

She only finally met her father Tommy again when she was aged 32 in 2006 – before his erratic behaviour quickly caused them to become estranged a second time.

Emma – who also has a daughter Isobel, 28 – began a family of her own and became a huge Oasis fan as the band’s careers took off in the mid 1990’s

The truth about her family emerged in 1996 on the fateful day she visited her mother’s house with her new CD.

Emma said: ‘Oasis were very big at the time. When I went round and she saw the CD she said ‘I think you’d better sit down I’ve got something to tell you’.

Emma told MailOnline that she has tried repeatedly to make contact with her famous brothers – but has been met with silence

‘She said ‘You know I told you your dad had children – these are the children.

‘I was completely flabbergasted. I was so taken aback. I could hardly believe it at first.

‘Jake was only little and I was having Isobel. There was me. eight months pregnant, having to take on board all this information.

‘I was a fan of Oasis – that’s why I bought the CD. Up until the age of 12, I grew up in Burnage and we lived a few streets away from the Gallaghers but I didn’t know.

‘They went to the Catholic school which was a different one from the one I went to.

‘Our paths could have crossed for all I know and they probably did. It’s very bizarre.

‘I thought about getting in touch but I couldn’t see how I was going to go about it. I didn’t have the confidence. I didn’t know how to approach it.

‘It had come as a huge shock. There were lots of different emotions – there would have been even if they hadn’t been such famous people.

‘I had always wanted to find out about my family regardless of who they turned out to be but I didn’t know how to go about it.’

Bizarrely, it was shortly after the revelation that Emma came closest to meeting Liam, who is also 51.

She was working as a chambermaid at the Mottram Hall Hotel near Prestbury, Cheshire, when Liam and his then girlfriend Patsy Kensit checked in as guests.

Emma said: ‘Of all the time to find out – and there he was. I thought it must be fate.

‘But then I thought ‘What would I say?’ I knew he was my brother but you can’t knock on the door and say ‘I’m your sister’. It would sound really weird.

‘At the time I was pregnant with Isobel so he was probably going to think it was a lunatic or some hormonal pregnant woman.

‘After Liam and Patsy had checked out, a chambermaid friend who I’d confided in had to clean their room.

‘Liam had left behind a Sgt Pepper t-shirt and a Beatles CD so she gave it to me. I still have them. I’ve got the CD in a drawer somewhere.’

Emma – who also bears a striking resemblance to the brothers – was born in August 1973 at St Mary’s Hospital in Manchester – just 11 months after Liam was born in the same hospital 

Emma grew up with her mother in Burnage, Manchester attending a different school from the Gallaghers, who went to a local Catholic school. Emma says their paths would have crossed

Emma grew up with her mother in Burnage, Manchester attending a different school from the Gallaghers, who went to a local Catholic school. Emma says their paths would have crossed 

The Gallagher matriarch Peggy is pictured here with her eldest son Paul (middle) and Noel (left) with little hell raiser Liam (right)

The Gallagher matriarch Peggy is pictured here with her eldest son Paul (middle) and Noel (left) with little hell raiser Liam (right)

It was 10 years later, in 2006, that Emma finally got to meet Tommy, now 80, after they were put in touch by a newspaper.

Emma said: ‘I went over to Ireland and we met up.

‘It was OK at first but then the cracks started to appear with his personality and the person he was. It was odd.

‘We kept in touch a bit. He stayed at our house when the kids were little.

‘I saw him no more than three or four times altogether but then I didn’t really think he was a good influence on me or my kids.

‘There was one time he was going to take Jake fishing time he was ranting and raving on the phone trying to get directions to get to me.

‘I was thinking ‘I’m not sending my son off with this raging lunatic.

‘I kind of knew he wasn’t going to be a straightforward person from things I had heard.

‘Then one day he wanted to take me to Blackpool and said ‘Don’t call me dad’. I was thinking why would you say that? I was not comfortable with that at all.

‘That was the end of it for me – we didn’t speak again after that. I just thought ‘I’ve got this far in life without you. I’m not sure if this is going to work’.

‘I didn’t hear anything more about him. He must be getting on a bit now. I just don’t know.

‘I think it was after that I read the other brother Paul’s book about their childhood and that made me feel sick as Tommy was so abusive towards them.

‘Their upbringing was quite horrific. He was obviously a big drinker. He was violent. I had a lucky escape from that upbringing.

‘I remember getting quite upset thinking ‘This is the guy he is. He’s not going to change because of me’.

At the time Emma first met Tommy, efforts were made to get in touch with Liam, who is now also 51, and Noel, 57 – but to no avail.

Emma said: ‘I tried to do it properly to set it up to meet the dad and meet the brothers but it didn’t happen with them.

‘They just ignored me. I felt quite rejected. There was not even a Liam kind of comment or anything.

‘There were attempts made to make contact through their management but they weren’t interested. It was a complete blank.

Emma (pictured) is now a married mother-of-two who lives quietly  in Cheshire as a healthcare worker

Emma says she has no musical talent like her famous brothers - but is content with her life in Cheshire

Emma, now a mother-of-two who lives in Cheshire as a healthcare worker, says that when she realised that she was Liam and Noel’s secret sister, she tried to contact the brothers – to no avail. ‘It was a complete blank,’ she says. ‘They just ignored me. I felt quite rejected.’

Emma says that after her reunion with the Gallagher brothers' father Tommy, their relationship quickly broke down after he stayed with her three or four times. She claimed that his erratic behaviour made it difficult to form a bond with him and that she didn't want him in her life

Emma says that after her reunion with the Gallagher brothers’ father Tommy, their relationship quickly broke down after he stayed with her three or four times. She claimed that his erratic behaviour made it difficult to form a bond with him and that she didn’t want him in her life

‘When you find out after so long that you’ve got a brother or sister that you never knew about there’s always going to be intrigue.

‘That would be the case whoever they are and I thought they would have felt the same.

‘I would like to meet Paul as well to see what he’s like and what he feels about it all.’

Despite the setback, Emma quietly got on with her life and now lives with her long-term partner Darren in a three-story townhouse in Congleton, Cheshire.

She said: ‘I’m quite a quiet person now – I tend to sort of sit in the background.

‘I’m just a normal average person that gets on with life – an average Joe.

‘As you get older you get more happy with your quiet little life.

‘I work with diagnostic ultrasound as a healthcare assistant. I run the clinics and I help them and sort patients out.

‘I worked for a long time in care and then got this job on the back of that. I’ve been doing this now for about nine years. It’s really good.

‘I work in the community so we go all over the place.

‘I don’t have any musical talent. I’m completely talentless in that respect. I’ve never written a song. I don’t play an instrument but Jake plays the drums and I’ve had a go on them.

‘When I’m not working we walk a bit. We go to a lot of music gigs in Manchester and festivals.

‘We’ve seen a hell of a lot of bands. We’ve probably been to well over 150 gigs in our time. We’ve all seen all sorts of things. It could be from dance to indie – but we haven’t seen Oasis.

‘I was quite shocked when I heard they were getting back together. I never thought it would happen.

‘You can understand why they’re doing it. You’ve got to do it while you can.

‘I didn’t try to get any tickets because I knew it was going to be crazy.

‘I think the ticket prices are shocking. I would not pay the sort of money people are paying – but I wouldn’t pay £350 to see anybody. It’s crazy.’

Whatever the future holds, Emma wished her famous siblings all the best with their reunion.

She said: ‘I’m not going to devote my life to being obsessed with Oasis – whether I’m the sister or not.

‘I wish them the best of luck with the tour – good on them I say. I will be watching in the background to see how they’re doing.’

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