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Star Wars Prequels: 5 Times The Jedi Council Underestimated Anakin Skywalker's Powers (& 5 Times They Were Right)



  • The Jedi Council made several mistakes when it came to Anakin Skywalker, which ultimately led to his fall to the dark side, but they also got some things right.
  • They allowed Obi-Wan to be Anakin’s master despite being too young and inexperienced and failed to monitor Anakin once he was a part of the Jedi Order.
  • They trusted Anakin with the training of his Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, but failed to support her when she was falsely accused of a crime.

Throughout the Star Wars prequel trilogy, the Jedi Council is constantly second guessing Anakin Skywalker‘s ability to make decisions and be a good Jedi. However, there are some instances where the Jedi Council was right. After all, Anakin did fall to the dark side, leading to one of the greatest massacres in the Jedi’s history during Order 66 that all but wiped out the Jedi Order.

While they are right to doubt, there are times when Anakin far exceeded the expectations of the Jedi Council. Before he fell, he was a powerful Jedi with good in his heart, capable of incredibly good acts. The list below catalogs both the good and the bad, showing moments where Anakin was underestimated by the Jedi Council as well as moments where the Council was proven right about him.


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10 Underestimated: The Jedi Council Said Anakin Was Too Old For Training

Anakin Proved That He Was Just As Capable As The Rest Of The Jedi

One of the main things holding the Jedi Council back from welcoming Anakin in as a Jedi himself was his age. By the time of Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace, he was already nine years old. This is exceptionally old for a child to be introduced to the Jedi Order, as most children are brought into the Order at an age so young they can have no memories of or attachments to the life they lived before the Jedi.

Anakin showed that, despite losing years of training, he was a natural-born Jedi.

Despite the fact he did struggle with his attachments, this wouldn’t have been an issue were Chancellor Palpatine not around to stoke the fires. Anakin showed that, despite losing years of training, he was a natural-born Jedi. He was powerful in the Force and gifted with a lightsaber, and before things came crashing down, he was an excellent addition to the Jedi Order.

9 Right: They Knew Anakin Was Too Easily Swayed By His Attachments

Anakin’s Attachments Led To His Downfall

Something that the Jedi Council was worried about right from the start was the fact that Anakin would be ruled by his attachments later down the line. One of Yoda’s earliest conversations with Anakin revolves around the fact that he is scared of losing his mother, unable to accept the fact that he might never see her again. This predisposition to attachment only continues to grow as he falls in love with Padmé Amidala, spending more time with her as she serves in the Senate.

In the end, Anakin falls to the dark side because Darth Sidious manipulates his attachments. He slaughters an entire group of Tuskens for their role in his mother’s death, and he falls completely in an attempt to save Padmé from a death he only saw in visions. The Jedi Council was right to be worried, though they did not act quickly enough to do something about those worries.

8 Underestimated: Anakin Was Kept In The Dark When Obi-Wan Faked His Death

This Betrayal Of His Trust Only Brought Him Closer To The Dark Side

The television series Star Wars: The Clone Wars is full of ups and downs, with both Anakin clashing with the Jedi Council and working peacefully beside them as well. However, in season 4, episode 15 “Deception,” Anakin is led to believe that Obi-Wan was killed by a rogue sniper. It is later revealed that Obi-Wan, with the help of the Jedi Council, faked his own death in order to put himself at the center of a Separatist plot to kidnap Chancellor Palpatine in the hopes of catching those involved.

Anakin is left in the dark by all of those involved, as they believed they needed Anakin’s response to be real in order to sell that Obi-Wan was really dead. This dealt a blow to Anakin’s trust, as he was left to grieve over Obi-Wan’s death. If the Jedi Council, and by extension Obi-Wan, trusted him with the knowledge that he was alive, Anakin could have helped them. Instead, they didn’t trust him, only causing him to distrust the Jedi and pushing him further towards the dark side.


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7 Right: Anakin Skywalker Was Determined To Be The Chosen One

But He Didn’t Bring Balance In The Way The Jedi Thought

Since the prequel trilogy was released, George Lucas has since confirmed that Anakin Skywalker was the Chosen One spoken of in the Jedi’s prophecy. One of the reasons that Anakin was accepted into the Jedi Order in the first place was because of Qui-Gon Jinn’s insistence that he was the Chosen One. This is something that the rest of the Jedi Council came to believe, as well as Anakin’s master, Obi-Wan.

However, the prophecy itself was misinterpreted by the Jedi. Initially, the Jedi Order believed that Anakin would continue to lead them into times of peace, as the Sith had not been seen for hundreds of years prior to the start of the prequel trilogy. He instead annihilated the Jedi Order, only bringing balance back to the Force after killing Darth Sidious in Return of the Jedi.

6 Underestimated: Obi-Wan Kenobi Was Allowed To Be Anakin’s Master

Obi-Wan Was Too Young And Too Inexperienced To Train Him

Before his death at the hands of Darth Maul, Qui-Gon Jinn was meant to be Anakin’s master. With years of experience and a unique view of the Jedi and their connection to the Force, Qui-Gon would have made an excellent master and father figure for Anakin. However, because of his death on Naboo, Obi-Wan was tasked with taking over this duty despite the fact he was still a Padawan at the time.

Training Anakin was always going to be difficult, no matter what Jedi took over for Qui-Gon. Thus Obi-Wan, with no experience on his own as a Jedi Knight, always had his work cut out for him. He simply did not have the experience necessary to train Anakin in the ways of the Force, showing that the Jedi Council was not accounting for the difficulties that he would likely experience with an older Padawan so deeply seated in his attachments and his rash decisions.

5 Right: The Jedi Council Knew He Was Capable Enough To Train A Padawan

Training Ahsoka Was An Important Part Of His Time With The Jedi

Giving Anakin a Padawan of his own to train was one of the best things the Jedi Order could have done for him. Not only did this give Anakin more responsibility, something that he was certainly ready for by the time the Clone Wars began, but it also helped him to grow as a Jedi and as a person. By having someone to look out for in Ahsoka Tano, Anakin was forced to keep a level head and think things through more than he did when he was a Padawan under Obi-Wan.

The Jedi Council was right to trust him with Ahsoka’s training, but in the end they squandered any good will they once had. After building a familial bond between them, the Jedi Council eventually accused Ahsoka of the bombing on the Jedi Temple, something that was later discovered to be the work of Barriss Offee. This drove a permanent wedge between Ahsoka and the Jedi Order, and seeing his Padawan being so mistreated by the Jedi only further served to push Anakin away as well.

4 Underestimated: The Jedi Council Didn’t See The Dark Side Rising In Anakin

They Allowed It To Grow Until It Was Too Late

Despite the fact that the Jedi Council seemed to note so many warning signs when it came to Anakin’s path to becoming a Jedi, once he was already a part of the Jedi Order, they seemed to grow negligent. They never learned of his attack on the Tuskens when he was a Padawan. If they knew about his marriage to Padmé Amidala, they did nothing about it.

This consistent inaction by the Jedi Council was either due to their hubris, so sure of the strength of the Jedi in a world seemingly without Sith, or their blindness to the fact that Anakin was doing all of these things in spite of the Jedi way.

This consistent inaction by the Jedi Council was either due to their hubris, so sure of the strength of the Jedi in a world seemingly without Sith, or their blindness to the fact that Anakin was doing all of these things in spite of the Jedi way. They allowed Anakin to continue doing what he was doing unchecked, and they did not see or even sense his anger and resentment growing towards the Jedi. They underestimated him in this way, as if they never believed Anakin could truly fall to the dark side.


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3 Right: They Knew He Was Ready To Take On Solo Missions At A Younger Age

Anakin Was Only 19 Years Old During Attack Of The Clones

When Anakin began undertaking solo missions in Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones, he was only 19 years old. As a teenager, he protected Padmé Amidala from harm completely without oversight from his master, Obi-Wan. This independence shows that, even as a young man not always making the best decisions for himself, the Jedi Council was right that Anakin was capable enough to take on missions successfully on his own.

This becomes even more impressive when Anakin is compared to Obi-Wan. Though not much of Obi-Wan’s time as a Padawan is seen outside The Phantom Menace and Claudia Gray’s Master & Apprentice novel, most of his time is spent working directly with Qui-Gon. He was 25 years old at the time of The Phantom Menace, considerably older than Anakin in Attack of the Clones, and still he was not exactly going on solo missions, nor did he have Anakin’s confidence.

2 Underestimated: The Jedi Council Ordered Anakin To Spy On Chancellor Palpatine

But It Was Chancellor Palpatine Who Drew Him To The Dark Side

One thing that was majorly overlooked by the Jedi throughout the prequel trilogy was Chancellor Palpatine’s role not only in the Clone Wars, but in Anakin’s fall to the dark side. He constantly made himself out to be a good role model to Anakin, doing his best to position himself in a place of authority over him. The Jedi Council only fed into this, sending Anakin to protect Palpatine and only driving him further into his clutches.

Not only did the Jedi underestimate Anakin’s ability to fall for Palpatine’s lies, but they also underestimated Palpatine’s capacity for evil. So many years passed, and the Jedi never realized that there was a Sith hiding in their midst, interacting with them on a consistent basis. Mace Windu was the only one that ever seemed to question Palpatine, but by the time the Jedi Council acted, it was already too late, and the damage to Anakin had already been done.

1 Right: The Jedi Council Refused To Grant Him The Rank Of Master

His Reaction Showed The Jedi All They Needed To Know

In Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith, Anakin is put on the Jedi Council despite his young age. However, despite being elevated to this position, the rest of the Jedi Council elects not to grant him the rank of master, something that has never been done before. Anakin reacts to this with anger, nearly lashing out in front of the entire Jedi Council and later complaining to Obi-Wan about their decision.

This single action proved that the council was right, as Anakin was not ready to become a Jedi Master. Anakin was too tied down by his emotions, and an angry reaction is not something that becomes a Jedi, much less a Jedi Master. If anything, this was one of the Jedi Council’s more sound decisions in the Star Wars prequel trilogy, showing at the very least they had their eye on Anakin’s emotional state.

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