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Onyx Storm: 10 Characters I Think Will Die In The Next Fourth Wing Sequel


I think that there are a few possibilities for who will die in Onyx Storm, allowing Rebecca Yarros to keep us guessing ahead of the sequel’s release. There is little doubt in my mind that Onyx Storm will be darker than other books in The Empyrean Series as both the blurb and where the story currently is point right to that path. Violet’s travels will take her to new, fascinating locations, but also present her with new threats to all she loves as she attempts to save Navarre and Xaden.

Considering the stakes in Fourth Wing’s next book, I think it is likely that yet another beloved character will die. However, who might be next varies quite a bit, as The Empyrean Series often keeps us guessing and the world of the series is cutthroat. Even so, there are several characters who I think will die in Onyx Storm due to either subtle foreshadowing or their current character progression, showcasing just how dark this series may go in its next installment.

10 Mira Sorrengail

Mira’s Disappearance In Iron Flame Could Lead To Her Death

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Mira is a likely candidate to die in Onyx Storm due to her disappearance in Iron Flame and her role slowly becoming obsolete. Mira’s disappearance in Iron Flame is highly suspect since she vanished shortly after her mother’s death. While there is a large possibility that she simply went off to mourn alone, her absence leading to her death is just as likely. Mira could be ambushed by the venin while she is vulnerable, leaving her siblings to find her far too late and further Violet’s downward spiral.


Onyx Storm’s Best Second Signet Theory Could Solve The Empyrean Series’ Biggest Mystery

The best second signet theory for Violet in Onyx Storm could allow her to solve one of the biggest unanswered mysteries in The Empyrean Series.

To me, that would be a gut-wrenching way to highlight the stakes of the story as Mira is such a capable fighter. Another theory, however, is that Mira could turn venin, forcing Violet to kill her. Mira could feel that Violet no longer needs her as she reforges her relationship with Brennan. Paired with her mother’s death, Mira could be swayed by the venin, who could use her desire to protect others against her. That could lead to Violet needing to kill her sister, unlocking her second signet and adding even more tragedy to Onyx Storm.

9 Ridoc Gamlyn

Ridoc, As The Comic Relief, Would Be An Easy Iron Squad Member To Kill

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Since he was almost killed twice already and his role as comic relief would not work for Onyx Storm‘s darker tone, Ridoc could be the next to die. Ridoc had two major close calls in Iron Flame, the first being when he got shot as the group was climbing the mountain in the book’s second half. The second was when he was almost lethally burned by Baide after erecting an ice wall to protect the group. Though he survived both incidents, this seems to me like Yarros’ way of hinting at Ridoc’s death.

I also think Ridoc will not survive Onyx Storm since he will have the least amount to do for The Iron Squad. Rhiannon’s role as Violet’s best friend means that if she were to die, it would likely be later after more of her arc was completed. Sawyer’s arc is also incomplete, as we have not seen how he copes with his injuries at the end of Iron Flame. Ridoc’s humor, then, would not be enough to save him as the series shifts to a darker tone and needs to continue to amplify the stakes.

8 Dain Aetos

Dain’s Redemption Arc Could End In Death

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Dain’s Fourth Wing redemption arc could end with his death in Onyx Storm, leaving Violet to grapple with their complex relationship afterward. Dain, in the first half of Iron Flame, seems unaware of the betrayal he took part in against Violet and the marked ones, creating more distance between him and Violet. He eventually figures it out when he is forced to read Violet’s memories by Varrish, resulting in him doing his best to help the rebellion and regain Violet’s friendship in the second half of Iron Flame.

Violet and Dain are still on rocky ground by the end of the second book, allowing Onyx Storm the chance to further explore Dain’s arc. That being said, that exploration could result in Dain’s death as his attempts to help go awry. Whether it be at the hands of the venin or Basgiath’s leadership, Dain’s death does seem like a likely way to end his arc. His desire to help coupled with his need for order clashes with the changing, complex world he is in, allowing for one misstep to be his last.

7 Brennan Sorrengail

Brennan Could Die To Keep His Secrets In Onyx Storm

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Due to the limited information we have on him, Brennan could easily die in Onyx Storm, forcing Violet, Xaden, or someone else to take over the rebellion. Many readers, myself included, have several suspicions about Brennan in Fourth Wing. His apparent survival of a near-death experience paired with the personality differences that Violet notes raised a few red flags, with more popping up as Iron Flame went on. His hesitance at letting Violet read Tecarus’ book, the rune on his hand, and his belated arrival to defend Basgiath point to some kind of secret surrounding Brennan.

That secret could be regarding Naolin, hiding the fact that he is now venin and helping them use runes. It could also be something surrounding the rebellion and their goals. Either way, Brennan may end up dying trying to keep that secret, whether it be in battle or at the hands of the Assembly. As a result, Violet or Xaden may be forced to take over, building more tension as they hide Xaden’s condition. Mira or even Rhiannon could also take over, adding to their arcs and surprising several Onyx Storm readers.

6 Quinn

Quinn’s Signet And Death Could Highlight The Venin’s Power

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Quinn’s specific signet and lack of an arc could point to her dying in Onyx Storm, showcasing the venin’s growing might. Quinn is one of many Fourth Wing characters in Onyx Storm that will have little to do despite, to me, being a fun character. Her bubbly personality and astral projection signet could mean that more is coming, but I think it is more likely that she will die as she has had no real character arc. Rather, Quinn has mostly been paired with Imogen and a helpful supporting character for group missions, using her signet for scouting.

That same signet and lack of development could end up causing her death, allowing Yarros to keep the stakes high. Quinn could be using it to spy on the venin and be caught, with the venin destroying her projected self and killing her in front of her friends in a shocking way. This would not only keep the rising stakes but also highlight just how powerful the venin have become, making the allies Violet finds in Onyx Storm even more important.

5 Emery

Emery’s Air Manipulation Makes Him A Prime Target For The Venin

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Despite not having a large role in the first two books, Emery could get highlighted in Onyx Storm due to his signet right before his death. Emery is one of the marked riders in Xaden’s inner circle, though he is not largely present in the books. He helps Violet and the group in Fourth Wing and joins the revolution after graduation in Iron Flame, shattering his leg during the Battle of Pavis. However, his signet may be how Yarros both advances his story and kills him off.

When I first learned that the venin needed to touch the ground to siphon power, I thought of how Emery’s air manipulation signet could be useful. Though it is not one of the most powerful signets in Fourth Wing, it could still be incredibly helpful as Emery could prevent the venin from getting on the ground. Emery could be shown training to do this, giving him a spotlight but also painting a target on his back as the venin could focus on him, resulting in his death in Onyx Storm.

4 Heaton

Heaton’s Water Breathing Could Give Violet A Vital Clue Before Their Death

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Similar to Emery and Quinn, Heaton’s lack of an arc and minimal character details could lead to their death in Onyx Storm. Heaton is largely paired with Emery in the first two books, which means that they also have a limited arc. They also get injured in the Battle of Pavis in Iron Flame and help the group throughout, but their stoic nature means that we know very little. Their signet, though, could lead to a vital reveal as well as their death if Onyx Storm introduces sea serpents.

Heaton’s signet is being able to breathe underwater, which has not been useful so far. I think, however, that if the next book reveals the existence of sea serpents, it would be due to Heaton. Heaton could accompany Violet on her travels and, using their abilities, could be the one to discover the serpents. This could lead to their death as they either accidentally get attacked or are ambushed by the venin. Not only would this add to the stakes of Onyx Storm, but would also add some irony if Heaton dies while still submerged.

3 Imogen Cardulo

Imogen Could Sacrifice Herself For Violet, Closing Their Friendship Arc

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Imogen could die in Onyx Storm defending Violet, allowing their friendship to come full circle and give Violet and Xaden more common ground. Imogen and Violet’s friendship was one of my favorite parts of Iron Flame, as it showcased how Imogen was softening towards Violet while still keeping her tough exterior. Imogen helped train Violet and ran with her in the second book, her respect for Violet growing throughout. This allows Yarros to build toward both a tender and heartbreaking moment in the next installment that would further shatter Violet.

Imogen’s death in Onyx Storm could be due to her choosing to defend or help Violet, as Violet has tried to and at times saved many of the marked ones in the past. Even as Imogen’s sacrifice highlights how far they have come, Violet would still be devastated alongside of Xaden, as Imogen was a part of his inner circle. As a result, the two could bond over the grief, giving them another step towards the reconciliation Iron Flame started in Onyx Storm, albeit at a tragic cost.

2 Garrick Tavis

Garrick’s Death Could Lead To Another Emotionally Vulnerable Moment For Xaden

Much like Imogen, Garrick’s death in Onyx Storm would lead to strong emotional devastation, forcing Xaden to be vulnerable as he grapples with the loss of his best friend. Garrick is the section leader of Fourth Wing’s Flame Section, making his status as Xaden’s best friend since childhood and second more official. Iron Flame revealed that he has already had a direct brush with death, which coupled with Xaden’s protectiveness of him makes me nervous about his fate in Onyx Storm.

Garrick could easily die in a battle against the venin as he tries to disable their runes using his rune detection signet. His near death at Threshing years ago, however, could lead to his demise if King Tauri captures the group, saving Xaden from the King’s need for revenge. This would create another strong emotional moment for Xaden as he grapples with the loss of his best friend, showcasing both his bond with Violet and the other marked ones who will be similarly affected if this happens in Onyx Storm.

1 Bodhi Durran

Bodhi Could Be Mistaken For Xaden, Leading To His Death

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Bodhi’s physical similarities to Xaden could lead to his death in Onyx Storm, sending Xaden spiraling further into his venin power. Bodhi is constantly described as looking similar to Xaden, albeit with softer features. While this makes sense as he is Xaden’s cousin, the constant comparison makes me think that will play a hand in his death, especially as he fought off two assassination attempts in Iron Flame. His signet may also make him a target, as his ability to counter signets would be a major threat to the remains of Basgiath’s leadership.

Bodhi could be mistaken for Xaden during a battle due to those similarities. Basgiath’s leadership could find out about Xaden’s status as a venin and attempt to kill him, with Bodhi acting as a decoy if the battle occurs on the ground. This would allow Yarros the opportunity for a Xaden POV chapter in Onyx Storm, highlighting his despair firsthand. It would also act as a catalyst for Xaden to give in to the temptation of the venin’s power, using it to get revenge and adding further complications to Onyx Storm and his future arc.

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